Floor Levelling

Concrete Resurfacing and Floor Grinding for Concrete Levelling

A necessity for every floor covering is an absolutely flat sub-floor because the finish is only as good as the preparation. Portolesi Structural can provide a broad range of floor levelling and concrete resurfacing solutions to suit your requirements. Portolesi Structural has extensive specialist experience on both residential and commercial projects, applying a comprehensive range of concrete levelling products to suit various requirements.

Floor levelling solutions

  • Diamond Floor Grinding 
  • Captive shot blasting 
  • Scarifying 
  • Removal of floor coverings and application of topping screed 
  • Concrete floor repair and protection

Products specialised in but not limited to include the following:


Paveroc is used for the reinstatement of large areas of concrete pavements and floors to avoid the total replacement of bays. Down-time is significantly reduced and with the product alkaline in nature it will protect embedded steel reinforcement. This product is used both for internal and external flooring.


Cemtop is used for its high performance, self smoothing, heavy-duty underlay. It is applied by pump, and it's rapid hardening forms a smooth, hard surface.

Ardex K15

Ardex K15's blend of Portland cements and other hydraulic cements with its ability to be applied by pump or trowel hardens quickly and achieves strength which is walkable within 2–4 hours.

Ardex K301

ARDEX K 301 is fast setting and rapid hardening and is ideal for concrete resurfacing for interior and exterior areas. It’s ease of mixing and applying can be pumped from 2 mm to 20 mm thick and can be used with suitable resin coatings.


Portolesi Structural supplies concrete floor levelling services in Sydney, Melbourne, Adelaide, Northern Territory and across Australia. Our workforce is highly mobilised, and we have serviced construction projects in NSW, Vic, SA, WA and NT. Portolesi Structural are specialist construction and civil contractors providing civil works, asset rehabilitation and building remediation services across the Civil, Construction, Mining, Water and Waste Water sectors throughout Australia.

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