Civil Construction Projects, NT
Civil Contractor and Specialist Construction and Remediation Solutions

Portolesi Structural provides commercial, mining, industrial and civil construction services in Darwin, regional NT and throughout Australia. As a specialist construction services company, Portolesi Structural can provide highly-trained and dependable staff for projects through Northern Territory and across Australia.


Business Capabilities Statement

Groote Eylandt

Groote Eylandt

Groote Eylandt is the largest island in the Gulf of Carpentaria and the fourth-largest island in Australia. A new structure was being erected on Groote...
Sewerage Pump Station Remediation

Sewerage Pump Station Remediation

Alice Springs has been extending the life of its infrastructure, however, unlike many parts of Australia, its remoteness causes projects to be more...

Theme picker

Civil ▪ Commercial ▪ Water and waste water ▪ Marine ▪ Mining ▪ Industrial ▪ Residential